Thursday, February 26, 2009

Little Black Book of Connections Part II

Rules of Connecting
  1. Be friendly first, and everything else falls into place.
  2. Project your self-image in a way that breeds confidence in others.
  3. Your ability to look someone in the eye as you speak to them is a tell-tale sign of your own self respect.
  4. Your consistent positive attitude will breed positive responses and positive results.
  5. No connection is made without some form of risk.
  6. The principle is: Ninety percent of success is showing up prepared.
  7. The less you focus on your motive to meet, the more likely it is that your connection will be successful.
  8. Take a genuine interest in other people before you ask them to take a genuine interest in you.
  9. The sooner you can find something in common with the other guy, the sooner all the barriers will disappear.
  10. The higher up the ladder you go the more cautious people will be of your advances.
  11. Your projected image will often determine your ability to make a real connection.
  12. People judge you by every action that you take.
  13. Provide value
  14. Transferring your message with excellent communication skills.
  15. Staying in touch is more important and more valuable than making the initial connection.
  16. Since you don't know what day a powerful connection will be made, you must be ready everyday.
  17. Your present reputation determines your future fate.
  18. Be yourself, talk real, act real, be real, and you will find that others will do the same in return.

Little Black Book of Connections Part I

Who Do You Know?
  • There is power in who you know. Not just connection power, growth power, success power. Even fulfillment power.
How Well Are You Connected?
  • The object of having a circle of influence is not just to use it to climb the ladder; it's also to build relationships with those in your circle so that when you need to climb the ladder another step, they are more than willing to come to your aid.
Do You Know How to Make a Connection?
  • The object of connecting, and making a connection, is to make a good one.
  • You can connect in such a positive and impressionable way that you create reputation at the same time.
Who Knows You?
  • It's not who you know, it's who knows you.

Poetics of Space

Gaston Bachelard's Poetics of Space is a study of space and our environment and how we understand ourselves. Bachelard describes the many manifestations of a home, the intimate harmony of walls and furniture that are found within it. The way he speaks of a house helps me to see that there is much more to a house than just the exterior structure, that it evokes feelings from within. "When a dreamer can reconstruct the world from an object that he transforms magically through his care of it, we become convinced that everything in the life of a poet is germinal." As we move throughout a house we expereince the different spaces and how they affect our behavior. One manifestation of a home is found in a box. Boxes are used to hold secrets, which means there is a need for secracy, and a lack of physchological threshold. The creation of the box helps to describe the secrets that are within it.
Being able to describe a place as a "home" is to see the relationship between ourselves and the space. A home becomes a place for secrets and a refuge from everyday life, a place for us to get away and be ourselves. Because we encounter this space everyday we are ultimately influenced by that space. Because of all of these aspects of a space we are affected and defined by our homes.


Amalgamation: The mixing or blending of different, elements, races, societies, etc. also the result of such combination or blending a homogeneous union. The goal of this concept is to combine and blend different teaching and learning styles to create an atmosphere that is accepted by everyone. We feel that all types of learning should be represented and used in this space. We want a barrier free space, where teachers and students can work together to learn.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Learning Styles and Strategies

The Visual/Verbal Learning Style

Learn best when information is presented visually and in a written language format. You benefit from information obtained from textbooks and class notes. You tend to like to study by yourself in a quiet room.

The Visual/Nonverbal Learning Style

Learn best when information is presented visually and in a picture or design format. You benefit from information obtained from the pictures and diagrams in textbooks, when trying to remember something, you can often visualize a picture of it in your mind.

The Tactile/Kinesthetic Learning Style

You learn best when physically engaged in a "hands on" activity. you learn best when you can be physically active in the learning environment. You benefit from demonstrations.

The Auditory/Verbal Learning Style

You learn best when information is presented auditory in an oral language format.

Learning Station Sketches

School of Athens

The School of Athens

Is one of the most famous paintings by the Italian Renaissance artist Raphael. It was painted between 1510 and 1511 as a part of Raphael's commission to decorate with frescoes the rooms now known as the Stanze de Raffaello. The building is in the shape of a Greek cross, which some have suggested was intended to show a harmony between pagan philosophy and Christian theology.

In response to the assignment with project ALPHA we created an installation on the south wall of the gatewood lobby. As a group we reinterpreted the school of athens by representing different sections of the painting with different types of media.

Goals for 412

My Goals for the Semester in Studio 412:

1) Working on presentation skills
2) Figuring out what kind of designer I am, and what kind of designer I want to be
3) Preparing myself for graduation and a job
4) Doing more work digitally and working on my portfolio